Cascade Australian Shepherd Club
PO BOX 2396
Vancouver, WA  98668-2393

Annual Dues:  $10.00 Single,   $12.50 Family,    $3.00 Jr.

New Member___________   Renewal___________  Newsletter only______________

Web address__________________________________________________________
Check here if you want your link to be included on our web page._________________

List of Members in Household:

Are you currently a member of the Australian Shepherd Club of America?

Yes______ No______ If yes what is your ASCA #___________Exp. Date:_________

New membership applications are voted on by the members present at the meetings.
Acceptance to the Cascade Australian Shepherd Club is based upon a vote of all
members eligible per the Club by-laws. Acceptance into the Cascade Australian Shepherd
Club requires the individuals to adhere to the ASCA by-laws.

Club dues are based upon an annual membership which is renewed each year in Jan.

Make all checks payable to: Cascade Australian Shepherd Club.

I/We agree to adhere to the by-laws of the Australian Shepherd Club of America and to the
by-laws of the Cascade Australian Shepherd Club and any appropriate Code of Ethics clauses
that appear in conjunction with those by-laws.


For new Memberships do not include your dues, but be prepared to pay them at your first meeting
 when you are voted in.